Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Critical Thinking Essay

The four keys to a sound decision making are recognizing that the person is actually facing a very important decision. Then it would be followed by consideration of the possible alternatives. After doing so, one will need to evaluate these alternatives and would finally need to act with discipline to be able to choose the best possible alternative. Such decision making process was present in my life during my fourth year in high school wherein I would have to finally pick a college course. My parents want me to become an ordinary businessman. I, on the other hand would want to enter the military school. I weigh between the two alternatives of which would be my best choice. I believe that doing something that I have no enthusiasm would not likely to benefit me. In the end, I chose to persuade my parents into letting me go to the military school instead of the other way around. Knowing what alternative it is that one really wants and believes to be the best. Having an alternative that is proven to work and that would yield more benefit than the other/s is the one alternative that shall be chosen. In my case, I chose what I really want over the alternative of following the advice or the wants of my parents. It serves me well and I am happy that I made such decision. 7. Briefly describe the early decision making years (2-11 years of age) and the adolescent decision making years (12-17 years of age). Now review in your mind your recollections about your life as an adolescent. Ask yourself the following questions .a. Can you identify some ways in which you were influenced by the media as an adolescent? Elaborate. In the adolescence years, most of my decisions were roughly based on how I want others to treat me and see me. Since the adolescence period is a time wherein individuals try to find themselves and create their own identity advertisements have been really influential. One of the things that I remember about being influenced by the media was through promotions of white and lean is handsome or beautiful. As far as I can remember there have been television advertisements that promote being good looking in the concept of having more muscles. Television shows mostly have leading actors who are muscularly built and dressed ruggedly. The view on how to measure success was also influenced by the media. I grew up reading articles about rugs to riches stories and what have inspired this people. I tried to imitate their actions, nevertheless, as far as my character is concerned, I am different person in a different neighborhood with a different capability and attitude in life; although, those stories had got stuck in mind up until today. b. Can you identify one bad habit you formed as a result of poor adolescent decision-making? Elaborate. One bad habit that have formed in me resulting from a poor adolescent decision making would be attempting to rebel from my parents. During those years I felt as if my whole world is being so much manipulated by my parents. I guess, that’s how people usually think when parents started being over protective during those years when everyone else is trying to have a good time. As a usual adolescent I tried to sleep over, drink alcohol, and skip classes, smoke cigarette and marijuana. Those kinds of things seem to be the natural things to do. Then here comes my parents shouting at me telling me to straighten my life or else I would not be receiving anything from them. I felt so sick about how they treat me. It seems like I am still a little baby who cannot decide on his own. Thus, I have decided to run away from home. After a week, I have seen what life is without my parents. I mean, at first it is an overwhelming sense of freedom and success. Afterwards you will find everything lousy. Your life would seem to have no direction and you will realize, â€Å"I should have listened†. c. To what extent did your decisions during adolescence reflect an attempt on your part to gain recognition and acceptance from other adolescents? My decisions during my adolescence reflected my attempts on gaining recognition and acceptance from my peers when I run away from home just to go with them on a road trip. My parents have been so against my friends, since they are the kind of people who indulged on so much smoke and liquor. Disobeying my parents and prioritizing my friends over my studies have been my best attempt for them to accept me. They lived their lives that way and I believed that time that in order for me to have friends, I must try to be like them. It did work, but I then understand that I should just be myself and real good friends would stick with me. 8. The text lists seven steps to sound problem solving. Identify a situation from your own experience where you have applied those steps. List how you applied each and how they impacted your ability to solve that particular problem. I have been able to apply the seven steps of problem solving in my life during my stay hear in Iraq. My goal in being here in Iraq is to serve my country. However, there have been several issues that seem to denote that I am doing something that is wrong. Since, there are so many people who believe that soldiers in Iraq are unnecessary or that soldiers in Iraq are being used by the American government to express its hegemonic capacities. It is not that I do not have faith or trust to the government of America but since I, as a soldier have experience seeing people cursing us on behalf of the American government, I decided to make some research regarding the views of people especially of those who are residing here in Iraq about the American government and how they see it as a threat and why. Depending on the various information and opinion that I have collected in the internet and through other people I have inferred that generally the people with a communist or Marxist background and those who have an affinity or sympathy with the actions and principles of the Jemai Islamia view the United States government as a modern colonizer. I decided that in short term I could talk people out of such idea by presenting them with logical explanation. However, I figured out it would be dangerous since peoples beliefs and philosophy is deeply embedded in their consciousness; a consciousness that was formed by experience and constant reinforcement of ideological beliefs. It would be hard to talk to them and convince them to believe other wise. A long term action I could do is to create blogs or article in the internet that would voice out the interest and opinion of the people who are actually involved in the rehabilitation of Iraq in order to explain better about what is the need for soldiers and America to continue supporting the Iraqi government. In order to do this I have talk about some of my friends and sort of interview them regarding the matter. They believe that it is a good idea to create articles that would voice out our side of the issue. This article would better be available to other people who would like to know a holistic view of the story. The strategy that I decided to apply is to send emails to my friends and relatives to view a discussion panel on the internet. This panel would be focused on the war in Iraq and would generate the views from different people. However, it would be hard to promote the site. So I am still thinking of other strategy. One of my fellow soldier decided that we should create a book that would reflect our experiences here in Iraq. I guess that will be a better alternative. But it would take a long time from now since we don’t have enough time and resources to do a book at the present moment. 9. Provide a personal example for each of the two forms of irrational problem solving. Discuss how these were irrational and what you might have done differently? Thinking irrationally follows from not being able to reason out, it is doing something out of sheer habit or false belief. Egocentric thinking or solving a problem based on selfish or self-centered view often results to negative effect. As when a person is thinking only of personal wants, such wants may not be the same wants that other people like. If so, one would be imposing his wants and others might hate him for that. Also, in problem solving when a person acts according to his emotions he would not think about other people and would only think about a solution that has personal bias. Such solution may not be good for a long term or for a group of individuals and thus, it is more likely to fail than to succeed. If a person is jealous, the person would not think about the reason why things happened, instead the person would view things in accordance to how the person feels things are going. There are certain decisions that might not have been done if jealousy was set aside. Another irrational problem solving is doing what you are told without critically examining the reasons for a certain action. For instance you are told that you should go to church and believe in Christ since you are a child. If you would just believe what others tell you and not think about them in a more critical manner. When you have a problem regarding your religion or someone offered you a counter argument, such things might ruin or shatter your faith, since you cannot reason it out. References Paul, R. and Elder, L. (2006). Critical Thinking. 2nd ed. Person Prentice Hall. Richardson, B. (2006). Theme of the Month: The Tyranny of the â€Å"Fifth Constraint†: Taking Your Thinking Off Autopilot . allPM. com. Retrieved on November 24, 2007. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: http://allpm. com/modules. php? op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1580&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0.

The Missouri Compromise

Coming back to the beginning of the American history, when the United States consisted of only thirteen states, the representatives of the northern (lets call them as â€Å"free†) and southern (lets call them as â€Å"slave†) states had almost the equal rights in the Congress. Also, it should be pointed out that slavery problem didn’t arise during that period of time. However, the situation was completely changed, when the boundaries of United States approached to West. Both the northern and southern parts were worried about the advantages in the parliament, which, as it is known, was formed on the basic of the following principles: the members of House of Representatives and two deputies from each state – the Senate. In fact, just the Senate became the main reason of the â€Å"battle† between the North and South later. It should be emphasized that in the first half of the nineteenth century two main tendency or saying in other words two main ways of bourgeois development took place in the U.S.: one – in the North, other – in the South. So, the main questions of the second American Revolution were the following: Would the further development of capitalism in the U.S. be provided with a way of slavery destruction and would the victory of a free farmer over the slave-owning system take place in the future? Firstly, the main reason of mass contradictions and conflicts became customs tariffs. The point is that, the Northern bourgeoisie was interested in selling the production and therefore demanded high customs for the manufactured goods which were brought from abroad. Slave-holders didn’t support them. So, Legislative Assembly of the South Caroline state in 1832 demanded the complete cancellation of customs tariffs, threatening to disconnect from the U.S.A. The main its argument was so-called â€Å"nullification† doctrine, according to which, states can ignore the decisions of the federal authority if they didn’t correspond the constitution. It is clear, that such kind of explanation was very profitable for the separatism representatives, especially in the South of the country. In general, collisions of interests of industrial bourgeoisie and slave-owners led to the unavoidable conflict, which afterwards caused the civil war.   It is obvious that, the given conflict became the beginning of the very tense fight between the following economical systems:   strengthening bourgeois system and weakening slave-holding one.   On the background of the given fight, the political history of America at the period between the independence and civil wars was more visible. Also, at the beginning of the 19-th century various disagreements arose between the representatives of the following political parties: the party of federalists and the party of democrat-republicans. The first party was established by Hamilton. So, focusing on the huge bourgeoisie and successful planters, federalists didn’t want to support the democratization of the constitution. As to the Republican party, at the head of Jefferson, it was highly supported among the industrial bourgeoisie, small planters, farmers and craftspeople. The main purposes of the given party included: the development of bourgeois-democratic freedoms and restrictions of the huge planter’s activity. The beginning of the long conflict was considered to be raising a question on Missouri State. Coming back, we can see that when the territory of Missouri applied for admission to statehood, the Congress and the nation were confronted with a unique substantive question that had far-reaching implications both for the settlement and for the future political status of all the states that might be carved from the vast area acquired from France in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. Nevertheless, despite all faced difficulties and problems Missouri managed to become a state in 1818   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (Bartelby, 2006, p.1). However, the settlers from Missouri also wanted their state to be a slave state. So, the question: â€Å"Should slavery be allowed in the new state of Missouri?† was suggested to be the most important for the citizens of that state at that moment (Blaustein, 1968, p.16).   The fact that southern slaveholders had already migrated into the Missouri territory made the question more than academic. The Congressmen from the North did not want another slave state. Also, at the same time Maine asked to be admitted to the Union ( p.17 ).   The discussion on the given problem was very dangerous for the U.S. because it could lead to the split of the country into two enemy sides. Planters tried to create the special law, according to which, the state would have to receive slave status, however they faced mass protests from the delegates of free states. Nevertheless, the given conflict was finished by the Missouri Compromise in February of 1820. As a result, the new agreement was reached, according to which, Missouri had a slave status, but the new Maine State was simultaneously accepted to statehood as a free one. Also, the territory north of 36†² 30†² north latitude was considered to be free ( p.17 ). Afterwards, the act of March 6, 1820 took place, according to which, fugitive slaves could be apprehended north of the compromise line and returned to their owners. As the American history showed, Missouri Compromise was regarded to be the most long-lived, because no states applied for admission to the statehood of the U.S.A. during the next thirty years. Coming to the conclusion, we can say, that obviously the acceptance of free states undermined the positions of the slave-holders in the Senate. In fact, the Missouri Compromise managed only to suspend the open battle between two economical systems. Later, it was broken when the question, which was connected with the future of such states as California, New Mexico and Utah, was raised. In 1854 the dispute over two states Kansas and Nebraska, which were located north of   Ã‚  Ã‚  36†² 30†² north latitude touched upon the Missouri Compromise again. As the result, the 36 °30 ´ proviso held until 1854, when the Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise completely. References Bartelby, Inc. The compromises of 1820 and 1850. Retrieved July 20, 2006 from    Blaustein A.P. (1968). Civil Rights and the Black American. A Documentary History, 9, 16-19                         The Missouri Compromise Coming back to the beginning of the American history, when the United States consisted of only thirteen states, the representatives of the northern (lets call them as â€Å"free†) and southern (lets call them as â€Å"slave†) states had almost the equal rights in the Congress. Also, it should be pointed out that slavery problem didn’t arise during that period of time. However, the situation was completely changed, when the boundaries of United States approached to West. Both the northern and southern parts were worried about the advantages in the parliament, which, as it is known, was formed on the basic of the following principles: the members of House of Representatives and two deputies from each state – the Senate. In fact, just the Senate became the main reason of the â€Å"battle† between the North and South later. It should be emphasized that in the first half of the nineteenth century two main tendency or saying in other words two main ways of bourgeois development took place in the U.S.: one – in the North, other – in the South. So, the main questions of the second American Revolution were the following: Would the further development of capitalism in the U.S. be provided with a way of slavery destruction and would the victory of a free farmer over the slave-owning system take place in the future? Firstly, the main reason of mass contradictions and conflicts became customs tariffs. The point is that, the Northern bourgeoisie was interested in selling the production and therefore demanded high customs for the manufactured goods which were brought from abroad. Slave-holders didn’t support them. So, Legislative Assembly of the South Caroline state in 1832 demanded the complete cancellation of customs tariffs, threatening to disconnect from the U.S.A. The main its argument was so-called â€Å"nullification† doctrine, according to which, states can ignore the decisions of the federal authority if they didn’t correspond the constitution. It is clear, that such kind of explanation was very profitable for the separatism representatives, especially in the South of the country. In general, collisions of interests of industrial bourgeoisie and slave-owners led to the unavoidable conflict, which afterwards caused the civil war.   It is obvious that, the given conflict became the beginning of the very tense fight between the following economical systems:   strengthening bourgeois system and weakening slave-holding one.   On the background of the given fight, the political history of America at the period between the independence and civil wars was more visible. Also, at the beginning of the 19-th century various disagreements arose between the representatives of the following political parties: the party of federalists and the party of democrat-republicans. The first party was established by Hamilton. So, focusing on the huge bourgeoisie and successful planters, federalists didn’t want to support the democratization of the constitution. As to the Republican party, at the head of Jefferson, it was highly supported among the industrial bourgeoisie, small planters, farmers and craftspeople. The main purposes of the given party included: the development of bourgeois-democratic freedoms and restrictions of the huge planter’s activity. The beginning of the long conflict was considered to be raising a question on Missouri State. Coming back, we can see that when the territory of Missouri applied for admission to statehood, the Congress and the nation were confronted with a unique substantive question that had far-reaching implications both for the settlement and for the future political status of all the states that might be carved from the vast area acquired from France in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. Nevertheless, despite all faced difficulties and problems Missouri managed to become a state in 1818   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (Bartelby, 2006, p.1). However, the settlers from Missouri also wanted their state to be a slave state. So, the question: â€Å"Should slavery be allowed in the new state of Missouri?† was suggested to be the most important for the citizens of that state at that moment (Blaustein, 1968, p.16).   The fact that southern slaveholders had already migrated into the Missouri territory made the question more than academic. The Congressmen from the North did not want another slave state. Also, at the same time Maine asked to be admitted to the Union ( p.17 ).   The discussion on the given problem was very dangerous for the U.S. because it could lead to the split of the country into two enemy sides. Planters tried to create the special law, according to which, the state would have to receive slave status, however they faced mass protests from the delegates of free states. Nevertheless, the given conflict was finished by the Missouri Compromise in February of 1820. As a result, the new agreement was reached, according to which, Missouri had a slave status, but the new Maine State was simultaneously accepted to statehood as a free one. Also, the territory north of 36†² 30†² north latitude was considered to be free ( p.17 ). Afterwards, the act of March 6, 1820 took place, according to which, fugitive slaves could be apprehended north of the compromise line and returned to their owners. As the American history showed, Missouri Compromise was regarded to be the most long-lived, because no states applied for admission to the statehood of the U.S.A. during the next thirty years. Coming to the conclusion, we can say, that obviously the acceptance of free states undermined the positions of the slave-holders in the Senate. In fact, the Missouri Compromise managed only to suspend the open battle between two economical systems. Later, it was broken when the question, which was connected with the future of such states as California, New Mexico and Utah, was raised. In 1854 the dispute over two states Kansas and Nebraska, which were located north of   Ã‚  Ã‚  36†² 30†² north latitude touched upon the Missouri Compromise again. As the result, the 36 °30 ´ proviso held until 1854, when the Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise completely. References Bartelby, Inc. The compromises of 1820 and 1850. Retrieved July 20, 2006 from    Blaustein A.P. (1968). Civil Rights and the Black American. A Documentary History, 9, 16-19                        

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Food and Industry Essay

Political This can have two extreme effects on threat of new entrants. If the government brings out higher restaurant license cost and increased taxes and/or implements strict health and safety regulations along with more documentation procedures, this will increase the barriers to entry. However, if the government does the opposite by decreasing license cost and taxes or has a lenient approach to health and safety procedures, the threat of new entrants will be high. Economic. Due to the rising income disparity and the adverse economic conditions, the number of unemployed is increasing due to which the labor cost will decrease, and the up-class restaurants will be more in demand as the rich are getting richer. Thus, the threat of entrants is high because of increased profit margins in such ventures. In case of improvement in the economy, more people could afford to go out to restaurants which give more opportunities for new restaurants to come up. Social. The current social trend is in favor of eating out especially at expensive restaurants, thereby, increasing their demand and also owning such eat-outs is now very socially appealing thus, increasing the threat of new entrants. Technological The rise in innovative technology has made management of restaurants very easy and the new sophisticated software now enable restaurants to run with less number of employees, thereby, reducing the labor cost. Thus, this factor increases the threat of new entrants. |B |Bargaining Power of Buyers |Yes |~ |No | | | |(+) | |(–) | | |Are there a large number of buyers relative to the number of firms in the business? |[pic] | | | | |Do you have a large number of customers, each with relatively small purchases? |[pic] | | | | |Does the customer face any significant costs in switching suppliers? | | |[pic] | | |Does the buyer need a lot of important information? | | |[pic] | | |Is the buyer aware of the need for additional information? | | |[pic] | | |Is there anything that prevents your customer from taking your function in-house? |[pic] | | | | |Your customers are not highly sensitive to price. |[pic] | | | | |Your product is unique to some degree or has accepted branding. |[pic] | | | | |Your customers’ businesses are profitable. | |[pic] | | | |You provide incentives to the decision makers. | | |[pic] | Interpretation The bargaining power of buyer is low in the industry firstly because their product is a commodity item and consumers have no choice but to continue consumption, as it is also a form of entertainment in our country. This makes the industry more attractive and profitable and the PEST forces such as increasing population is an appealing opportunity, however, the economic situation of the country brings along adverse effects on the industry. Nandos should therefore, bank on the rising income disparity. PEST forces that affect Bargaining Power of Buyers Political This political factor has no direct affect on the bargaining power of buyers. Economic The increasing population reduces the power of buyers. Even though the adverse economic situation of Pakistan is reducing the consumer base, it is still not making much impact on the bargaining power of buyers. Social The trend is moving towards eating at restaurants, which is increasing the base of consumers, thus, reducing their bargaining power. Technological The advancement in technology makes it possible for the buyer to gather all the information quickly and make informed decisions. Thus, this is increasing the bargaining power of buyers. |C |Threat of Substitutes |Yes |~ |No | | | |(+) | |(–) | | |Substitutes have performance limitations that do not completely offset their lowest price. Or, |[pic] | | | | |their performance is not justified by their higher price. | | | | | |The customer will incur costs in switching to a substitute. | | |[pic] | | |Your customer has no real substitute. |[pic] | | | | |Your customer is not likely to substitute. | |[pic] | | Interpretation The threat of substitutes is medium to low, as this industry does not have any real substitutes, because restaurants offer unique experiences along with their basic product i. e. food items. In Pakistan, eating out is a form of entertainment and people generally like going to specific restaurants and cafes because of their splendid experience in the past including ambience and food. Nandos should therefore concentrate their efforts on upgrading their restaurant ambience and the taste offered by them. PEST forces that affect Threat of Substitutes There aren’t many substitutes of the restaurant industry. However, decrease in the purchasing power of the people could lessen their visits to the restaurants thereby increasing the threat of substitutes. If better substitutes are provided to people such as more variety in the ready-to-cook foods could increase the threat of substitutes. |D |Bargaining Power of Suppliers |Yes |~ |No | | | |(+) | |(–) | | |My inputs (materials, labor, supplies, services, etc. ) are standard rather than unique or | | |[pic] | | |differentiated | | | | | |I can switch between suppliers quickly and cheaply. | | |[pic] | | |My suppliers would find it difficult to enter my business or my customers would find it difficult | | |[pic] | | |to perform my function in-house. | | | | | |I can substitute inputs readily. | | |[pic] | | |I have many potential suppliers. | | |[pic] | | |My business is important to my suppliers. |[pic] | | | | |My cost of purchases has no significant influence on my overall costs. | | |[pic] | Interpretation Bargaining power of suppliers is high because the inputs are not easily substituted, keeping in mind only those companies in the industries that are rather cautious about their inputs as poor quality inputs can cause them a hefty amount of business. Also, the inputs are usually of a perishable nature, thus, stock-ups are not possible, that is why reliability of suppliers is very important. Therefore, these companies usually have one or two major supplier of main inputs, who can provide good quality inputs in a timely manner. This is an unattractive aspect of this industry, that’s why; Nandos should integrate backward by probably farming their chicken, in order to eliminate this power of suppliers. PEST forces that affect Bargaining Power of Suppliers Political. If the government grants subsidies to other chicken suppliers so that they are able to produce at the same level and with same quality as KnN, then the supplier power will reduce. If the government establishes quality standards for using hygienic meat products, the supplier power would go very high since there is only one major chicken supplier. Economic The current economic situation of the country will reduce large scale companies such as KnN; thus, the supplier power will increase. Also our poultry industry is â€Å"going down†. This will further increase the power of suppliers. Social. This factor will not affect the input of food industry. Technological Technology has made it possible to manage the poultry industry, thus enabling more suppliers to come in. therefore, the power of suppliers will reduce. |E |Determinants of Rivalry among existing competition |Yes |~ |No | | | |(+) | |(–) | | |The industry is growing rapidly. |[pic] | | | | |The industry is not cyclical with intermittent overcapacity. | | |[pic] | | |The fixed costs of the business are a relatively low portion of total costs. | | |[pic] | | |There are significant product differences and brand identities between the competitors. |[pic] | | | | |The competitors are diversified rather than specialized. |[pic] | | | | |It would not be hard to get out of this business because there are no specialized skills and |[pic] | | | | |facilities or long-term contract commitments, etc. | | | | | |My customers would incur significant costs in switching to a competitor. | | |[pic] | | |My product is complex and requires a detailed understanding on the part of my customer. | | |[pic] | | |My competitors are all of approximately the same size as I am. | | |[pic] | Interpretation. The rivalry amongst the existing firms is moderate to high as each tries to outdo the other by offering cost-effective deals to the consumers especially during Ramadan. With the increasing rate with which these eat-outs are opening, the market share for each of them is deteriorating. Thus, each is rigorously competing against the rest. In such situation, it is usually the restaurants with small operations such as Nandos that suffer. Nandos should therefore, try to combat this issue by increasing their operation via market penetration or market development. PEST forces that affect Rivalry among existing competition. Political If the government grants subsidies to local competitors to match the international chains, the rivalry will increase. Economic The fake economic growth has increased the availability of funds; therefore the competitors can match international chains now. Thus, the rivalry will increase. Social This factor will not affect the input of the Restaurant Industry. Technological Technology has made it possible for competitors to affectively reduce cost, thereby, enabling to match each other and copy the others competitive advantage. This will increase the rivalry between competitors. | |Overall Industry Rating |Favorable |Moderate |Un-favorable |Implications | | |Threat of new entrants |3 |2 |7 | | | | | | | |Threat of new entrants is high | | | | | | |Unfavorable | | |Bargaining power of buyers |5 |1 |4 | | | | | | | |Bargaining power of buyers is Low | | | | | | |Favorable | | |Threat of substitutes |2 |1 |1 | | | | | | | |Threat of substitutes is Medium to Low | | | | | | |Somewhat Favorable | | |Bargaining power of suppliers |1 |0 |6 | | | | | | | |Bargaining power of suppliers is high | | | | | | |Unfavorable | | |Intensity of rivalry among competitors |4 |0 |5 | | | | |. | | |Intensity or rivalry is Moderately High | | | | | | |Unfavorable | | |Total |15 |4 |23 |Reasonably Unattractive | Interpretation Overall, it is an unfavorable industry as the major cities of Pakistan are swamped with many restaurants and cafes. Nevertheless, the industry position can be exploited to ones advantage, if strategically smart decisions are taken. For Nandos, the recommendations include: †¢ Constantly innovate and bring in more competitive advantage that are unmatchable, in order to reduce the threat of new entrants. †¢ Backward integration to reduce the power of suppliers. †¢ More effective differentiation to reduce the rivalry between Nandos and competitors. 1 Overall Macro-Environmental Pest Factors Political Factors: The political factors that mainly affect Nandos concern how the government relates to health issues concerning food items being served or brings out new regulations regarding the restaurant business. For Instance: when Bird Flu occurred in Pakistan, if the government would have asked for ban on chicken items or some strict regulations on the chicken items being served, then it would have highly affected Nandos as well. Government regulations regarding franchises or international chain of restaurants would affect Nandos in relations to itself or in dealing with its competitors. Economic Factors: Pakistan is a developing country and the majority of the population has low purchasing power. Nandos caters to that niche of the Pakistani society that has a relatively higher purchasing power than the majority of the nation. Any economic instability or economic recession would decrease the power of a lot of consumers, decreasing the niche segment that Nandos caters to. Thus economic power does affect Nandos as people tend to spend less on eating out at relatively expensive places when they have a tighter budget. If the economy develops and more people have the purchasing power, then more people would be able to visit restaurants like Nandos. Social Factors: The trend of eating out has been carrying on in Pakistan since a very longtime. Pakistani people have always loved eating out. It is even the main source of entertainment in Pakistan. Earlier on families would go and eat out, but since the past few years, this trend increased even further in teenagers, young adults and with corporate people. Nowadays, if we visit any restaurant such as Nandos, we get to see a diverse crowd that includes teenagers, families, couples and even corporate businessmen. Thus eating out is becoming an increasingly important social trend which works positively for places like Nandos. Technological Factors: The restaurant business works well where the management handles the service well. To be quicker and more efficient in processing and then serving the orders, restaurants need to have better technology. To keep records of day-to-business, better technology is essentially important. Cooking also requires better equipments to work faster and better. Nandos has the essential equipment to make all of its flame-grilled items which even works towards providing healthier items by not making deep-fried products. 2 Key Driving Forces Affecting the Industry †¢ The Internet and new E-Commerce opportunities The Internet can revolutionize the entire restaurant industry by including the aspects of ordering food online. In this way consumers could be provided with more convenience and be more informed about the menus. †¢ Increasing globalization of the industry Global chains of restaurants such as fast food joints like KFC and Mc Donald’s have existed since a very long time now. The aspect of a global chain leaves a positive impression on the minds of the people since they tend to believe that the product is of quality and hygiene. More and more restaurants are following this trend and opening up their chains in Pakistan. This does affect the restaurant industry on a whole. Nandos is also globally widespread but it hasn’t penetrated much in Pakistan as yet. †¢ Product Innovation Those restaurants that have had a unique menu or recipe have been able create a strong place in the industry. People have always wanted variety in Pakistan. Any new element or uniqueness in a restaurant’s menu could give it a competitive edge in the market. Nandos has banked on this opportunity by introducing an entirely new concept adopted from South Africa. †¢ Technological Change Advances in technology can dramatically transform the restaurant industry. Technological developments can competitively produce significant changes in the distribution channel and logistics and reduce the costs in the value chain. †¢ Entry or Exit of major firms Exit of major firms in the restaurant industry can lead to changes in market shares of all the companies that compete with such firms. Entry is relatively easy and keeps on leading to increased competition in this industry. †¢ Changes in cost and efficiency Decrease in cost can lead to significant changes in the profit margin of the business. However increasing costs can prove to be detrimental to the businesses in the industry. †¢ Regulatory influences and government policy changes Regulatory influences or policy changes such as increased quality and hygiene standards can drive up costs of firms but would lead to better and safer food items. †¢ Changing societal concerns, attitudes and lifestyles Emerging social issues and changing attitudes and lifestyles can be powerful driving forces of industry change. The trend of eating out has been increasing consistently in Pakistan giving more opportunities for new companies to come with more and more variety for the public. 3 External Factor Evaluation (EFE) |Key External Factors |Weight |Rating |Weighted Score | | | | | | |Opportunities | | | | |Market Potential – growing market for fast casual |0. 17 |2 |0. 34 | |People’s need for variety in the food and entertainmnt sector |0. 10 |3 |0. 3 | |Rising Demand for Home delivery and Takeout |0. 08 |3 |0. 24 | |E-commerce |0. 02 |1 |0. 02 | |People’s preference for red meat |0. 06 |1 |0. 06 | |People’s attraction towards promotional offers |0. 08 |2 |0. 16 | |Increasing trends for business/corporate lunches and dinners |0. 05 |3 |0. 15 | | | | | | |Threats | | | | |Economic Problems in the country |0. 09 |2 |0. 18 | |Bird Flu Threat |0. 03 |3 |0. 09 | |Political Problems in the country |0. 02 |2 |0. 04 | |Growing market for cafes in Pakistan |0. 06 |2 |0. 12 | |Availability of nandos table sauces in the market |0. 03 |2 |0. 06 | |Only one chicken supplier (KnNs) |0. 08 |2 |0. 16 | |Huge variety of Restaurants, fastfood places |0. 12 |2 |0. 24 | |Changing tastes of people |0. 01 |2 |0. 02 | | | | | | |Total |1. 00 | |2. 18 | Analysis: Nandos, Pakistan’s total weighted score is rather disappointing considering their global background. Currently their total weighted score of 2. 18 is about 20% less than the industry average of 2. 5. They are not exploiting the opportunities in the food industry to their advantage neither are they combating the threats well. The most major opportunity staring them in the face is the rising market potential which has the highest weighted score of 0. 34, as the trend in Pakistan is moving towards fast-casuals. To handle this opportunity they must open up new outlets to cater to the untapped vicinities. Another opportunity that has a high score of 0. 3 is the peoples need for variety. The strategy for such an opportunity would be to add varieties like fancy beverages (e. g. cocktails and mocktails), sea-food and meat in their menu (available at Nandos outlets in other countries of the world). Of the threats, that needs their immediate attention is the rate with which new restaurants that â€Å"Pop-up†. To counter this Nandos must concentrate on increasing its efforts on rightly implementing their Focused Differentiation Strategy. They should further enhance their brand image to capture more loyal customers. Another threat which has a relatively high weighted score is the economic problems of Pakistan; the way this can be overcome is by establishing subsidiaries under another name. The third biggest threat with a weighted score of 0. 16 is that they have only one reliable supplier; they can definitely counter this via backward integration that would include farming their own chicken. Company and Competitor Analysis 1 Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) |Key Success factors | |NANDO’S |BBQ Tonite |Roasters |GunSmoke | | |Weight |Rating |Weighted Score | | | | | | |Strengths | | | | |Product – their Peri-Peri recipe |0. 20 |4 |0. 8 | |Strong brand personality |0. 07 |3 |0. 21 | |Ambience at the restaurant |0. 05 |3 |0. 15 | |Customer Loyalty |0. 02 |3 |0. 06 | |Marketing efforts towards the consumer base |0. 05 |3 |0. 15 | |Strong Supplier/Distribution system |0. 10 |4 |0. 4 | |Products have essential ingredients for a health life |0. 01 |2 |0. 02 | |Strong Background from Africa present till today |0. 01 |3 |0. 03 | |Selling Experience |0. 04 |4 |0. 16 | |Strong food concept |0. 02 |3 |0. 06 | |Strong Globalize Strategy – adaptive to culture |0. 06 |4 |0. 24 | |Creative and unique Menu |0. 02 |4 |0. 08 | | | | | | |Weaknesses | | | | |Low Marketing Budget |0. 08 |2 |0. 16 | |Stagnant Growth – Not penetrated |0. 15 |2 |0. 3 | |Communication system within dept- not strong |0. 04 |2 |0. 08 | |Weak Technological system in the Administration Department |0. 04 |1 |0. 04 | |No Beverage Variety |0. 04 |2 |0. 08 | |Total |1. 00 | |3. 02 | Analysis: The total weighted score of 3. 02 is 20. 8% more than the average industry weighted score. The reason for such a phenomenal score is their PERI PERI recipe which is their main strength with the highest weight. Basting, marinating and table sauces are usually the most important ingredients and they are definitely quiet effectively banking on this strength. Their delicious basting and marinating sauces still remain a mystery to the rest of the world. Along with this, they are handling all their strengths really well with the exception of their healthy ingredients, which they are handling in an average way, although, it has a low weight considering the psyche of Pakistanis, they can definitely improve their score by communicating the nutritional values of their ingredients. On the other hand, they are very poorly countering their weakness. Their main weakness is their stagnant growth with the highest weight and with only a sore of 2. There is no evidence, that they are willing to do anything about it as their outlets are still missing in the major cities of Pakistan, like Islamabad. They should definitely improve their growth rate and try to improve their marketing budget. This will definitely enhance their total weighted score. The strategies to improve the growth rate would include market development and product development via establishing more outlets and increasing the variety in their menu, respectively. Strategic Analysis and Recommendations 1 Generic Strategy [pic] Although, Nandos Pakistan claims to be following a Focused Differentiation Strategy, they haven’t really implemented it that well. Nandos Pakistan caters to that Niche market which requires a different taste and value and is prepared to pay the price for it. Their focus is entirely on the Upper Middle and Upper-Upper class. The strategies implemented by Nandos have not exactly catered specifically to this focused differentiation strategy. The company needs to make effort in targeting and communicating their real value to its specific set of consumers. Another contradiction in this strategy is that there is no outlet in Islamabad, Pakistan, where mostly the rich and the influential reside. Now is the time to really bank on the rising income disparity in the economy via increasing their prices. This will also attract more customers from upper-middle/high class, as it is quiet socially appealing for them to dine at expensive places. Nevertheless, Nandos offers only chicken items; this is in line with their current strategy. They should really check their strategic approach or correct their focus. Nandos should stick to its focused differentiation strategy. The following strategies have recommended for improving their strategic position: †¢ Increase their prices to capture a larger share of their current target market. †¢ Open up outlet in the major cities of Pakistan like Islamabad and Faisalabad. †¢ Effectively communicate their niche marketing strategy to their target audience to further emphasize what their brand actually stands for. †¢ Add value by offering an outstanding service which is unforgettable and unmatchable. ———————– ‘Nando’s is devoted to providing its customers appetite for life, who love to laugh and live to eat. At Nando’s we believe in our flame-grilled Peri-Peri Chicken, we believe it’s the best in the world. We aim to be the most successful grilled food restaurant in the world at delivering the best customer experience in markets we serve and to do so, Nando’s will meet its customer expectations through highest quality food prepared with leading technology and by hiring and retaining personnel with exceptional capabilities. We believe in offering quality and value to our customers and grow in such a way that creates profitability and value for shareholders and structure the society in such a way so as to improve the quality of life of the whole community. Our distinctive competence is our open style of informal restaurants, through the wonderful saying â€Å"Mi Casa so casa – My home is your home. ’ ‘Our vision is to be the first choice in grilled food restaurant business around the globe. ’ HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW Customer Home Delivery Dine-in Take-Away Kitchen Restaurant/Retail Outlet Store Warehouse in Pakistan Fries from McKainz Ketchup from Knorr Chicken from KnN’s Peri-Peri Sauces from South Africa.

Hinduism, Buddhism, and the Human Condition Essay

Hinduism and Buddhism are both eastern traditions with much to say about the human condition as well as the reason human beings exist at all. In some ways they are different while also being similar in other ways. In this essay, those differences will be discussed and the similarities examined for their message. In conclusion, we will examine what these two faiths offer to the human beings of the twenty-first century. According to Hinduism, at the most basic level, the purpose of life is to perform one’s social duty and live the exemplary life of the householder by marrying, having children, providing for them and observing the rituals required by the gods. Later, the Upanishads claimed that the purpose of life is to achieve unity with Brahman, the divine essence of all life. Humans were not to pursue worldly goods but choose a life of asceticism and seek enlightenment. This view is similar to what Buddhists believe the goal of life should be and they also share an explanation of the human condition. Both Buddhism and Hinduism cite worldly attachment and ignorance of the true self as the causes of human suffering which occurs in unending cycles (samsara or the wheel of death and rebirth) until we finally free ourselves from our own blindness. [ 3 ] Buddhism teaches that the reason for being a human is that it gives a soul a chance to finally achieve enlightenment, describing in detail what other varieties of conscious beings must endure because they do not have an opportunity to gain merit or to perform dharma. The human being is a singular entity that may achieve enlightenment and become a Buddha through good works, right living, and meditation. [ 1 ] Hinduism, on the other hand, teaches that human beings exist to uphold the structure of dharma and perform the tasks strictly assigned (as described by Krishna in the Mahabharata) to them by their caste. Atman puts on one body and performs that function assigned at birth and then sheds that body when it gets old and dies and puts on a new one, repeating the process endlessly. The Upanishads, the final Vedic scripture, changed that to reflect the search of atman to be reunited with the universal soul through enlightenment. [ 3 ] Buddhism in the twenty-first century is still applicable in such a fast paced and confusing world. Despite all of our advanced science and technology, we understand even less our reason for existing and we know more than ever just how big the universe is and how uncaring. These circumstances drive people to seek out spirituality even today in order to achieve the basic comfort required for them to conduct their daily lives. The recent episodes of tremendous violence have placed an unsavory patina of stifling ignorance over the religions of Christianity and Islam as they continue to carry on like demented spinsters in the decaying finery of their former glory with no intention of acknowledging the catastrophe of their current circumstances. Buddhism, with its sterling values of moderation, peace, and detachment from the impermanent things of this world, now appears dignified and splendid as the ancient beauty of Asia to modern seekers. No longer do we seek judgment and rigid, inexplicable rules from our God, with the hellfire and damnation that once drove us onward. We crave logic and sense from our world and in those circumstances, this faith tells us that lusting after expensive cars and clothes which we do not need will make us miserable. That is easy to understand. That makes sense. Use only what you need. Be compassionate to others, be charitable, avoid violence, and respect all life. All these things are self-evident in their truth. If all people acted this way, we would not feel so violent and conflicted and we would be without suffering. These ideas are not ambiguous and do not require us to submit to a priesthood or clergy which may become corrupt and abusive. We only need to read, for ourselves, the teachings of Buddha and reflect on our own conduct. The same can be said for Hinduism, although because of the near-global distaste of the oppressive caste system and the shameful practice of Sati, or widow-burning, as well as the curse of untouchability, Hindus in India are convulsed with their own reforms of belief. Yoga, however, has seen a tremendous rise in popularity in the West because of the need for a system that brings mind, body, and spirit into harmonious alignment. The tranquility offered by gurus who accept all backgrounds and beliefs in the search for God is a powerful lure for modern people whose lives are often chaotic. There has been a long trend historically away from the mysteries of a powerful and omnipotent priesthood towards a more personal, private, and intimate relationship with the divine. The ancient beliefs of Asia were first seeded among a patient and adaptable people who have endured for thousands of years and therefore are well-suited to weather the spiritual storms of mankind. For these reasons, both Hinduism and Buddhism will remain relevant for ages to come. Resources utilized: 1. World Scripture (Unknown). Buddhism: Chapter 7 The Human Condition. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 11/22/2012]. 2. Ananda W.P. Guruge (2000). Buddhism in Modern Life. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 11/22/2012]. 3. Shaheen Emmanuel Lakhan, MS, PhD (2009). The Human Being in The Eye of the Hindu. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 11/22/2012]. 4. Dr. Neria H. Hebbar (2002). Modern Hinduism. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 11/22/2012].

Jamie Oliver †Spoken Language Essay

Jamie Oliver is a chef who has made a number of television programmes for Channel 4; in most of these programmes he is cooking and instructing the audience, although he is sometimes part of documentaries about food, for example in schools. His style of speech is very different to many of his contemporaries: he uses his distinctive style to present himself as a down to earth, friendly TV chef. Oliver is the only person talking in this transcript because he is cooking and explaining his actions for the TV show. The fact that he is cooking while talking means that there are numerous pauses in the transcript, for example ‘†¦Your burger (2) and then some rosemary’. The two second pause indicates that he is demonstrating this action on the programme; it is important in his role as a TV chef that he doesn’t just sit and talk through a recipe because viewers want to see the recipes being made and they also want to be entertained and kept interested by Oliver moving around in the kitchen. Other pauses suggest that, although this programme is probably scripted to some degree, Oliver is not reading from an autocue but retains an element of spontaneity to his speech. The pauses at the start of the transcript, ‘Hi guys (.) welcome to ministry of food (.)’, are indicators of this spontaneity, as is the non-fluent ‘er’, which is present ed later on in the show. Although sometimes a sign of nervousness, in this case I think the pauses help Oliver to appear normal, like his viewers, so they are more likely to attempt his recipes and, of course, buy his books. Jamie Oliver’s Estuary accent and his accompanying use of London slang are also distinctive features of his talk. A Word such as ‘bash’ is a colloquial and is not a word we expect to hear on a cooking programme. We are used to words from the cooking semantic field such as ‘whisk’, ‘bake’, ‘stir’ but Oliver’s language use again makes him seem very normal, approachable and relaxed. As well as specifically accented words such as the dropping of the ‘h’ in ‘orrible’, Oliver’s elisions ‘gonna’, ‘wanna’ and ‘kinda’ demonstrate his relaxed tone. As well as using these to build a successful TV persona, Oliver could be using this informal language because he is concentrating more on the actual cooking and explaining the key details of the recipe rather than the functional language he uses. It is important that Oliver does not appear too bossy to his audience: they need to feel like they can relate to him; it is therefore important that he moderates his use of imperatives. Throughout the transcript, he softens his instructions to viewers: ‘†¦about a tablespoon of oregano (1) you want about’; ‘an egg some rosemary some (.) mustard’; this lack of precision is encouraging to people watching his because it suggests this recipe is easy to follow. The self-deprecating suggestion that Oliver is not entirely sure of what he is doing, just guessing, means that he does not assume a too-powerful position in relation to his viewers. The word ‘;literally’ implies that the solution is simple and easy, so Oliver maintains his persona as the ‘friendly, easy’ TV chef in contrast with someone like Gordon Ramsay and his very technical, scientific recipes that cannot be replicated in ordinary kitchens. In conclusion, Jamie Oliver uses many features of talk that are typical of TV chefs, such as numerous pauses and imperative instructions which are essential in his role, but he also has a very distinctive personal style of talk, characterised by his accent, use of slang and colloquial vocabulary. He uses his own idiolect to create a successful TV personality that viewers can relate to and follow as a cooking role model.

Functional Area Interrelationships Essay

The primary goal of this paper is to outline the functional area interrelationships of Kudler Fine Foods- a high-end, successful food store that feature some of the finest wines, cheese, produce, and pastries. Kudler has been in business for 15 years to date and target store locations that caters to the wealthy and cleaver shoppers. This paper will detail how Kudler strong mission, vision, values, and goals can be credited to the success of the company. Low high-end food cost for good quality food and store convenience is also key reasons for Kudler success. Kudler Fine Foods availability of upscale food choices within a customer’s state or country is massive and will be over-the-top accessible in every country via Internet. Kudler also had a strong collaboration process that ensured all objectives were convey clear and concise. The importance will set the tone of the company decision making and all agreements with all parties as to what they are to expect. Kudler Fine Foods stakeholders are those who makes up the company indirect or direct. This can be anywhere from customers, banks, to staff, all get a chance to share in the business success. Kudler keeps up with the going trends of society through strong marketing, and this is one other area that can be credited to their success. Functional Area Interrelationships Kudler Fine Foods is a specialty food store featuring the best domestic and imported foods including produce, cheeses, pastries, and wines. Kudler currently services three locations in the San Diego metropolitan area, La Jolla, Del Mar, and Encinitas. Each store is within a stylish shopping center and consists of approximately 8,000 square feet that provides ample room for their wide variety of specialty foods. This paper will detail Kudler’s primary reasons for existence, analyze the reason for the type of organizational structure, identify and explain the steps of the collaboration process. It will also identify the use of lateral and vertical collaboration and provide an example, and identifying the key stakeholders and the collaborative interactions among them to achieve success. Organization’s Existence Kudler Fine Foods mission states that they are committed to providing their customers with the finest selection of the very best foods and wines so that culinary visions can come true (Apollo Group, Inc., 2011). Their vision statement is in align with their mission statement in that â€Å"they want be the premiere gourmet grocery store for those savvy shoppers who are searching for the finest meats, produce, cheeses, and wine† (Apollo Group, Inc., 2011). Kudler’s primary reason for existence is a mixture of their mission and vision statements along with the values the company holds and is to offer customers an upscale shop that has many of the finest choices of foodstuff from around the world and is available at one convenient location. Kudler’s has strategic marketing goals in place to reach more customers through expansion, including the use of an Internet market. An increase in revenues as well as lowering costs are strategic moves for Kudler’s to make while holding true to their mission statement of providing the highest quality products available. Organizational Structure The most common types of organizational structures are chosen based on the company goals and strategic plans. Small businesses usually start with a flat organizational structure. The employees of various backgrounds share business decisions and responsibilities. Kudler Fine Foods was the result of a developed business plan after six months, when Kathy Kudler, the vice-president of another company, looked for new opportunities and to open the first store in June 18, 1998. Kudler Fine Foods has a product organizational structure commonly used in retail companies that have stores in various cities. Each city where they have a store still needs local human resources, managers, and marketing departments to carry out business functions locally. Kudler Fine Foods has different food departments from bakery, meat and seafood, cheese and diary, and wine. The diverse product lines may consider a product structure. Depending on the product expertise and top priority, taking the different aspects of the products and the variance of merchandise, are part of a product organization that focuses on a superior product quality, and with the extensive collection of fine foods that Kudler Fine Foods provide to their customers in their different locations. Collaboration Process In the collaboration process it is important to identify the right type of collaboration. For example, for Kudler Fine Foods it is better to have opened collaboration, vertical or horizontal collaboration. In the collaboration process, the company needs to make sure the objectives are clear, to understand the expectations, decision making, and agreements. The identification of the interested parties to meet the company objectives can understand the customer’s needs, interests, and expectations. The company must be willing to work with each individual for an honest, open atmosphere. It is important in the process of collaboration to create a deliberate structure that includes checkpoints, true information to engage in the process, and make decisions. Productive meetings and well defined structures can help the company as well as taking responsibility for planning, and using the appropriate technology for the benefit of the business. Kudler Fine Foods must have an open channel of communication with their customers by frequently providing surveys to the customers, what they can improve in the business and make the necessary changes to accomplish customers’ expectations and company goals. Possessing a strategy plan and reviewing the company goals is a key to having an action plan and a collaboration process, always to look for innovation, new technologies, and look how to expand business, and continue providing excellent service and gourmet products. Lateral and Vertical Collaboration Kudler Fine Foods strives to be the best at providing hard to find specialty foods; they offer the finest organic ingredients in meats, produce, cheeses, and wines (Apollo Group Inc., 2011). Kudler demonstrates vertical collaboration as the only specialty store in the area the products offer the customer a unique buying experience by striving to find the finest imported foods and wines that other stores do not carry. Kudler strives to be the best by catering to the customer’s needs, if there is a particular item the customer is looking for, Kudler works to bring that item to the customer. Kudler demonstrates lateral collaboration in the special organic foods they provide, Kudler purchases these products from local organic farmers where they give support to them as suppliers. Kudler also shows lateral collaboration buy hiring chefs and local celebrities to host in store parties that teach customers how to prepare specialty foods (Apollo Group Inc., 2011). Kudler should work on continuing to provide these specialized products as this the key to the business; they would do well in looking into the global market to provide items from different cultures as well as continuing to work with local suppliers. Key Stakeholders and Collaborative Interactions Stakeholders in a business are those that have an indirect or direct connection with the organization because of the effect by the organizations actions. The key stakeholders for Kudler fine foods are the staff, customers, wholesale suppliers, banks, competition, and Kathy Kudler the owner (Apollo Group Inc., 2011). The role of the stakeholders differs with the staff because it is critical to the operations as those interacting with the customers day-to-day. The customers are the reason for the business and provide for the business. The wholesale suppliers where the products come from and those that provide the quality for the customers. Banks give the credit that allows Kudler to conduct business. The competition keeps Kudler on their toes and makes them strive to be better. Kathy has the vision of the organization, is the main manager and controls the finances (Apollo Group Inc., 2011). Conclusion In conclusion, Kudler Fine Foods has its challenges to maintain one of the world’s finest food stores across the country and further for another 15 years. Their 8,000 square feet store that anchors within stylish shopping centers provides comfortable shopping for its customers. The sale of some of the finest diverse pastries, cheese, meat, dairy, etc. to a very diverse society on all four corners of the world took putting in place a strong collaboration process and dedicated stockholders. Because of those involved at the strategic planning stage gaining a clear understand as to what it was Kudler Fine Foods was trying to accomplish through goals, mission, and visions, the business remains successful to date. References Pearce, J. A. II, & Robinson, R. B. (2009). Strategic management: Formulation, implementation, and control (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Thompson, A. A., Gamble, J. E., & Strickland, A. J. (2006). Strategy: Winning in the marketplace: Core concepts, analytical tools, cases (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Kudler Fine Foods. Universioty of Phoenix Student Website. Retrieved from: Ross strategy. Collaborative process. Retrieved Aug 8, 2013 from: Suttle.R .( 2013) Chron. Types of Organizational Structure in Management. Retrieved August 8, from: Uren. S, (2013) Green 5 Steps to successful collaboration. Retrieved Aug 8, 2013 from:

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Unconscious Patient Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Unconscious Patient - Essay Example In the case study, Spencer had a GCS of 7/15 and did not respond to verbal commands. However, he responded centrally to painful stimuli. This score is usually associated with a state of coma. Research shows that patients with GCS scores between the range of 3 and 8 are often comatose, or are unconscious such that they cannot interact with their immediate environments. From these information, it is clear that the verbal response on the patient failed and thus some stimuli was needed to obtain a response from him. He was therefore not aware of the surroundings. The Trapezium squeeze was used to twist Spencer’s muscle so that Julia could assess his response to painful stimuli (Sternbach, 2000). I would recommend that Julia also try to observe the patient’s motor response by giving some commands such as â€Å"lift your legs from the bed†,   so that his weaknesses can be noted. In addition, inconsistent and inaccurate recordings could have a harmful effect on the pa tient’s comfort and may affect his care plan. I recommend that Julia or any other nurse handling the patient be educated on how to use the tool correctly so that potential irregularities could be addressed. QN.3. deteriorating changes that may occur as a result of the collapse and how the patient will respond to those changes in his GCS status The patient in this context may experience deterioration in his consciousness provided that there is an underlying problem with his brain due to head injury. When the patient loses consciousness, the tongue often fall back in his pharynx and blocks the airway. He loses the cough reflex, and regurgitated stomach contents or blood are aspirated into his lungs. The patient should therefore have his airway supported by slanting the head and lifting... Factors that can lead to secondary brain injuries include hypercapnia, intracranial hypertension, hypotension, and hypoxia. To prevent these factors, interventions need to begin in the pre-hospital care phase and go on into the critical care unit. Recognizing these factors in the early stages as well as timely intervention can enhance the neurologic effect of the patient with brutal head injuries. One of the oral medications prescribed to treat patients with Diabetes 2 is Glyburide. conventionally used as antiglycemic medication, this drug is meant to block entrà ©e to the sulphonylurea receptors, thus effectively drain edema, intracranial pressure, and swelling brought about by secondary brain injury; consequences that can come about in the days after the initial injury. However, research in animals indicate that glyburide is effective in preventing the adverse effects of secondary brain injury, though it works more effectively if the patient takes it prior to the second injury.

Analysing management and organisation through the medium of film. A Essay

Analysing management and organisation through the medium of film. A critical discussion of organisational culture and [motivation or power] with examples from the film - Essay Example In that scenario, the success of the organization will be minimal or even null. Thus, if a common, feasible and effective corporate working culture is ‘operationalised’ through out the organization, the organization can achieve maximum unity, productivity and success. The one person who can formulate, actualize and operationalize an effective organizational culture will have to be an effective leader. From time immemorial, the success or failure of an organization or any other human activity depends on the role, the leader plays. The leadership traits should be visible and should be put to effective use when the leader, as a ‘builder’ builds a group and as a ‘founder’ launches an organization. So, this paper will focus on how an effective leader should create an optimal organizational culture and incorporate motivation optimization strategies for the success of an organization, thus discussing the ineffective leadership role played by the Miranda character in the film The Devil Wears Prada in culture creation and motivation by following Schein’s iceberg model of culture (three levels of culture). One of the important first tasks of a leader in an organization (both in a new organization or in a existing organization) is the creation of a Culture. That is, the task of the leader is to create a working culture, embed the working culture in the working group and environment, sustain it and also rectify it, when faults occur. According to Schein (2004, p. 17) â€Å"The culture of a group can now be defined as a pattern of shared basic assumptions that was learned by a group as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems†. Normally, Culture is created by shared experience

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Biochemistry of human disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Biochemistry of human disease - Essay Example This hepatic dysfunction has led to jaundice as apparent from the yellowish discoloration of the while of his eyes and skin, and this has established a vicious cycle of malnutrition, alcohol intake, hepatitis, jaundice, and malnutrition. Moreover, his blood glucose level is 1.7 mmol/L (fasting reference interval, 3.0-5.5 mmol/L). In alcoholic liver disease, nutritional deficiencies are common and complicate the management. The liver disease in this patient is significant due to presence of jaundice and low blood sugars at presentation. In a habituated alcoholic, an ethanol level of 43 mmol/L or 0.2 g/dL usually does not cause stupor in contrast to that of a nonhabituated patient, where it causes impaired mental activity. Although a habituated man can remain awake even at levels >87 mmoL/L or 0.4 g/dL with the rise in the level of tolerance, usually a nonhabituated man would be stuporous at >65 mmol/L (0.3g/dL) and would lose consciousness at >87. This patient was also hypoglycemic. T hus, as expected, this man is not expected to be unresponsive with the level of alcohol at 0.36% or 80 mmol/L, and it is the hypoglycemia that has made him unresponsive. Based on this background the following questions will now be answered. About 10 percent of consumed alcohol is absorbed from the stomach, the remainder from the small intestine. Once alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream, it is distributed to all body tissues. Because alcohol is uniformly dissolved in the bodys water, tissues containing a high proportion of water receive a high concentration of alcohol. About 90 percent of absorbed alcohol is metabolized through oxidation in the liver; the remaining 10 percent is excreted unchanged by the kidneys and lungs. In persons with a history of excessive alcohol consumption, upregulation of the necessary enzymes results in rapid alcohol metabolism. Alcohol is metabolized by two enzymes: alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) in the

Morals and Legislation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Morals and Legislation - Essay Example He argued that the hedonistic value of any human action is easily calculated by considering how intensely its pleasure is felt, how long that pleasure lasts, how certainly and how quickly it follows upon the performance of the action, and how likely it is to produce collateral benefits and avoid collateral harms. Taking such matters into account, we arrive at a net value of each action for any human being affected by it. All that remains, Bentham supposed, is to consider the extent of this pleasure, since the happiness of the community as a whole is nothing other than the sum of individual human interests. The principle of utility, then, defines the meaning of moral obligation by reference to the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people who are affected by performance of an action. Similarly, Bentham supposed that social policies are properly evaluated in light of their effect on the general well-being of the populations they involve. Punishing criminals is an effective way of deterring crime precisely because it pointedly alters the likely outcome of their actions, attaching the likelihood of future pain in order to outweigh the apparent gain of committing the crime. Thus, punishment must "fit" the crime by changing the likely perception of the value of committing it. A generation later, utilitarianism found its most effective exponent in John Stuart Mill. Raised by his father, the philosopher James Mill, on strictly Benthamite principles, Mill devoted his life to the defence and promotion of the general welfare. With the help his long-time companion Harriet Taylor, Mill became a powerful champion of lofty moral and social ideals. Mill's Utilitarianism (1861) is an extended explanation of utilitarian moral theory. In an effort to respond to criticisms of the doctrine, Mill not only argued in favor of the basic principles of Jeremy Bentham but also offered several significant improvements to its structure, meaning, and application. Although the progress of moral philosophy has been limited by its endless disputes over the reality and nature of the highest good, Mill assumed from the outset, everyone can agree that the consequences of human actions contribute importantly to their moral value. (Utilitarianism 1) Mill fully accepted Bentham's devotion to greatest happiness principle as the basic statement of utilitarian value: "... actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure." (Utilitarianism 2) But he did not agree that all differences among pleasures can be quantified. On Mill's view, some kinds of pleasure experienced by human beings also differ from each other in qualitative ways, and only those who have experienced pleasure of both sorts are competent judges of their relative quality. This establishes the moral worth of promoting higher (largely intellectual) pleasures among sentient beings even when their momentary intensity may be less than that of alternative lower (largely bodily) pleasures. Even so, Mill granted that the positive achievement of happiness is often

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Border security issues (week 5) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Border security issues (week 5) - Essay Example For example, there are those who believe that all it takes is an automatic green light indication by one official, for a truck full of illegal immigrants, weapons or drugs to pass through the border (Payan, 2006). Public corruption in Amexica, stems deep to the point that people know it is difficult to apply for documents like driver’s license, company license, permits and other documents unlike in other parts of United States. According to Kolb (2013), a Fox news journalist, studies show that corruption is on the rise, among the border patrol agents. Illegal immigrants also know that in order to live comfortably and protect their illegal businesses from police intrusion, bribing their way in is the best solution. However, corruption is not only a problem in Amexica because it affects both United States and Mexico (Payan, 2006). Corruption of this kind poses a risk to the social, political and economic prosperity of a country. For example, porous borders have forced investors to hold back in fear of losing their investments, causing a slow economic growth to the areas next to Amexica. Mexican citizens no longer trust in the law enforcers, that is why they live in fear and continue to c ross the border as illegal immigrants. As noted in this discussion, public corruption (PC) ultimately affects everyone whether it is in Amexica, at work or other communities. It raises questions such as: should mandatory jail time only apply to illegal migrants only? Border officials, civil servants and citizens involved in harboring illegal migrants should face the full force of the law. Discipline can only be achieved if law penalties are applicable to all parties involved in corruption. Kolb, J. (Photographer). (2013, Jan 15). Study finds corruption on rise among border agents, rep says security ‘at risk’ [Fox News Channel]. Retrieved from

Land Desertification in China ( only climatic factor) Essay

Land Desertification in China ( only climatic factor) - Essay Example So China’s arid climate through its consequences of overflows and droughts constitutes a menace to the full-fledged life support of the Chinese and their future generations. In this regard one of the primary concerns is the functioning of the appropriate technologies aiming at recovery of the degraded soils. In the point of the discussed theme there are two key terms, namely: degradation and desertification. Degradation is the steady deterioration of soil characteristics as a habitat of biota, and reduction of its fertility as a result of the influence of natural or anthropogenic factors. Desertification is a process of irreversible changes in soil and vegetation, and reduction of biological productivity, which in extreme cases can lead to the complete destruction of the biospheric potential and turning of the territory into desert. The primary concern of desertification in China is a food crisis, as the issue is the main cause of aggrieving the country’s stores of wheat and rice, which form the basis of China’s agriculture. â€Å"According to a general survey of the country, the total area of †¦ regions vulnerable to desertification has reached †¦ 34.6 percent of the entire territory† (Longjun). In the context of the most grounds intended for sowing of the seeds, the percentage of the lands under desertification is critical. Moreover, it rises with the demographic problem of China or the top-priority challenge for survival of the Chinese. Overpopulation of the country is a well-known issue, and desertification in this respect is extremely hazardous for the great number of people whose needs don’t decrease with the degradation of soils. As for the secondary concern of the issue, it deals with the dwindling water supply as well as groundwater decrement. It goes without question that the consumption of water for China’s agricultural needs, human wants, and for the artificial irrigation of the arid lands substantially wreaks havoc on the

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Financial Performance of Seward Inc Assignment - 18

The Financial Performance of Seward Inc - Assignment Example The Liquidity ratio of the company is below the Industry ratio, which means that the company is less liquid i.e. the company must raise the liquidity in order to gain the trust of the creditors. The liquidity ratio shows the capability of a company to pay off its current liabilities. The company is lacking in the days in receivables and days in inventory compared to the Industry ratios. The company must be reduced in order to generate more efficiency in the processes. The Operating profit margin is less than the Industry margin this explains that the company is doing a good job. However, it is generating a low return on its assets as it could be due to the large value of assets employed as compared to the industry. The company is relying on debt financing and the ratio of debt is higher than that of the industry (36%). The company must introduce Equity Financing. The equity is well organized by the managers and the returns generated are higher than the Industry average.  Ã‚  

Human production Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human production - Assignment Example At puberty, the kiss1 gene activates GPR54 gene which then activates hypothalamus to produce GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone); a hormone that stimulates pituitary gland to produce hormones that affect testicles and ovaries. In males, testosterone is produced that affects the development of testes and penis along with the development of secondary sexual characteristics. In females, estradiol is produced by ovaries and it brings about the development of reproductive system and secondary sexual characteristics. An additional effect is the onset of menarche. 6. Spermatogenesis may be divided into three phases: spermatocytogenesis which is a proliferative phase; meiosis which produced cells containing half number of chromosomes and spermiogenesis (mitosis allows division of spermatogonia and they develop into primary spermatocytes and during Meiosis 2 secondary spermatocytes are produced) in which spermatozoa are produced. Seminiferous tubules allow spermatozoa a channel to pass through. Spermiogenesis comes to an end when spermatozoa are released from sertoli cells. Androgen (testosterone) is produced by Leydig cells. 7. Sperms are produced within seminiferous tubules from where they migrate to epididymis. They are stored here until maturation. During ejaculation, the sperm travel from epididymis to vas deferens, the ampulla. At this point other secretions are added to the sperms and the mixture is then propelled towards the ejaculatory duct and then while passing through urethra prostrate gland’s secretions is added. The combination of all these products is now known as semen which takes on a milky color; a secretion that is then expelled out of the body. Uterus is made up of layers of smooth muscle and it is hollow from within. It consists of an isthmus, cervix, fundus and a body. During menstruation, the inner lining show growth of tissue; preparation of the uterus for implantation if

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Organisations and Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Organisations and Behaviour - Essay Example In an organization where such culture exists emphasis is given on trust rather than orders (Grint 2005). This type of organizational culture has the following advantage: it can help to keep communication and cooperation with organization at high levels. Still, there is always the chance that certain employees take advantage of this culture for ignoring their obligations, according to their position; b) Role: the specific type of culture is based on bureaucracy; emphasis is given on rules and orders of superiors while hierarchy is highly respected. In organizations with such type of culture it is quite difficult for severe failures to exist at the level that employees’ activities are fully aligned with the rules set by the top management team (Grint 2005). On the other hand, this type of culture can harm team-work and communication within the organization at the level that employees would not feel as members of a team but as followers who have not the right to state their view in daily business operations; they have just the obligation to follow the orders given to them. In such environment employee performance cannot be easily kept at high levels; c) Task; it is the organizational culture that promotes the use of project-type tasks within each organization (Grint 2005); this type of culture promotes decentralization, leaving room for employee initiatives, a practice that can significantly enhance employee performance; however, this type of culture can set the integration of a business in risk if roles are highly decentralized; and d) Person: it is an organizational culture that highlights the value of person, as member of an organization (Grint 2005); such culture is applicable in family-owned firms or small firms but it cannot be used in large businesses (Grint 2005). 1.2 In the context of a business, the term structure is used in order to show ‘the form of an organization meaning especially the hierarchy of positions and relationships’ (Kn ights and Willmott 2007, p.197). Organizational structure, as described above, can be divided into three categories: a) Tall structure; it is met in organizations where the levels of hierarchy are many (Christensen et al. 2007); such structure can be useful for ensuring the control by the top management team of all business activities but it can threaten trust and communication; b) Flat structure; it refers to organizations with just one or two levels of hierarchy (Christensen et al. 2007); such structure enhances communication and team-work but it is difficult to be applied in large organizations; c) Matrix; the term denotes the dependency of each employee by many superiors, simultaneously; such structure is more appropriate for organizations in the public sector while in the private sector it could not be applied at the level that in the private sector independent departments usually exist for covering business needs (Christensen et al. 2007). On the other hand, in small businesse s such structure could be possibly applied. 1.3 The ‘chain of command’ principle is based on the idea that within organizations the full independency of individuals is not acceptable, meaning that ‘each employee should necessary have a superior to whom he had to report’ (O’Fallon and Rutherford 2010, p.76). This principle is applicable in organizations since it does not set as a prerequisite the excessive power of the superior over the employee but just the like the dependency of the employee

Intoduction Development Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Intoduction Development Economics - Essay Example Moreover, the document will discuss the prevalence of the inequality in the years. Assessment of the poverty evolution in the country in the last two decades and the factors that led to the performance will be elaborated in the document. The population growth of the country will be part of the subject of the paper since the year 1980. Lastly, the paper will tackle the poverty levels in the country in the nation given its poverty levels in the last two decades. Ecuador is one of the poor countries in the Latin America and the level of inequality of the country’s resources keeps bloating in the developing years. The country’s inequality is a trending feature that gives the country bad reputation on the priorities the government has put in place to counter the inequality in the country. As the countries natives suffer the economic devastations, some parts of the country enjoy the fruits of tourism and high end bars. This land termed as ‘gringolandas’ are known for the rich culture of using American luxury products and the few elite enjoy the resources generated from the tourist revenue in the country. Marginalization of the Afro-Ecuadorians in the nation has contributed to the inequality in the country as the communities have the notion that they are the lazy and criminals. A few miles into the Atacames a touristy beach town could benefit the Esmeralda residents but the mindset in the country give the vicious cycle of poverty a chance in the country by fueling the stereotypes on the Afro-Ecuadorians. Racism in the country is a big issue in the country ingrained from the Spanish colonial eras is still evident in the country aggravating the population’s marginalization. Inequality in the recent years is partly fueled by the environmental devastation in the country. The deforestation and oil spills in the countryside where many indigenous Ecuadorians live become more prominent because the legislature is very corrupt and lacks protect ive measures to control the companies given the contracts. This degradation of the environment brings the country to depravation of morals and defined greed in the system that governs the country. The constant westernization of the urban Ecuador is very instrumental in the promotion of inequality. The supermaketization of the urban areas gives convenience to the wealthy but puts the local farmers out of business creating further inequality in the country. In comparison to other countries that have the same income levels, Ecuador has a lower prevalence of the poverty levels compared to the Dominican Republic. However, the level of poverty in Costa Rica is reduced and low in comparison to both countries. Inequality in the countries has declined in the recent years but not in all countries. The level of inequality in Costa Rica has seen a stagnation trend as compared to the other countries. The evolution of the inequality has evolved in the country citing the new discoveries of natural resources that attract companies that mine without the care for the environment and the natives. Furthermore, the country has had a lot to do with racism, which is a good aggravator of inequality. These changes are occurring because the government and the appropriate bodies are doing little to protect the common person in the country and instead enjoy the luxury that comes with the resources the country contains. The presence of deeply rooted corruption gives the common person a hard

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Reasons behind Nursing as Career Choice Literature review

Reasons behind Nursing as Career Choice - Literature review Example From this research it is clear that nurses often compose the biggest group of healthcare professionals all over the world. In the United Kingdom (UK), there are around 27 physicians for every 10,000 people, while there are 103 nurses and midwives for the same ratio. Nurses are also considered as versatile caregivers and the backbone of the national healthcare system. Recruiting general nurses, especially in the United States and Europe, however, has undergone considerable decline over the years. Lai, Peng, and Chang and Preston noted that nursing recruitment and attrition are worldwide concerns, even for first world countries. They are concerned of the reasons that compel nurses to leave the nursing profession, such as lack of support from other healthcare staff and poor avenues for professional development. These nurses would have stayed in the profession if they received more support from mentors or coaches, as well as opportunities for professional development. A decreasing number of entrants to the profession of nursing have also been a core issue for many countries. The increased rates of nursing student attrition have brought about multiple quality and quantity healthcare delivery issues. In 2002, Jennings reported attrition rates in pre-registration nurse education that ranged from 27 per cent to 40 per cent for the entire United Kingdom alone. Price reviewed the qualitative literature on nursing as a career choice and one of the reasons that students do not pursue nursing or stop pursuing nursing is because of the â€Å"paradox of caring†... These external and internal concerns are only some of the reasons that the nursing profession has experienced loss of nurses and decrease in nursing students. Chapter One will explore recruitment, selection, and retention issues. It will provide the overview on the positive and negative images of nursing to target students. It will show that there is a research gap on studying the motivations of both nurses and potential nursing students in pursuing nursing as a long-term career option. It will also discuss the research goals of the researcher. 1:2 The Demand is Not Equal to the Supply Numerous nursing recruitment (Wells and McElwee, 2000), orientation (Price, 2009), retention (While and Blackman, 1998), socialisation (Price, 2009) and attrition issues (Rognstad, Aasland, and Granum, 2004) have affected the supply of nurses all over the world. Demand for nurses and other healthcare professionals and workers, however, continue to rise, as life expectancy improves and people experienci ng acute and chronic health conditions increase (van den Heuvel et al., 2009). One of the main causes of the discrepancy between nursing demand and supply is the human resource management (HRM) practices and strategies of healthcare institutions (Locke, Alavi, and Wagner, 1997). According to reports, there have been challenges in nurse recruitment and the filling up of nursing positions at hospitals. For instance, in 2000, there was a shortage of an estimate of 110,700 registered nurses as reported by the Ministry of Health in the US (Sochalski, 2002). In addition, Buerhaus, Staiger, and Auerbach (2008) reported that the shortfall of registered nurses in the country is likely to

Is the Brazilian Social-Democratic Model Replicable Outside of Latin Essay

Is the Brazilian Social-Democratic Model Replicable Outside of Latin America - Essay Example This report explores that majority of the socialists embraced the name of social democrats in order to differentiate themselves from the socialists who are against the idea of democracy. In today’s world scholars think that social democracy is not different from other forms of political ideologies. There are various viewpoints regarding this ideology. Some scholars do not consider this form as a distinctive one; instead they say that it is an unstable mixture of Marxism and liberalism. In other words social democrats do not have their own mottos. On the other hand, the people who support this idea of democracy say that this is a perfect model to implement specific policies and maintain certain principles. These certain principles are to create equality and solidarity among the upper and the lower class. This essay declares that values and social theory are two parts of the ideology that social democracy carries. The values basically signify what should be our social development and social life should be made of. And social theory provides us with the mechanism through which we can control both social development and social life. Freedom, equality and brotherhood were the slogan in the French revolution which gave social democracy its main values. All these can be combined together to form democracy as real democracy creates all of these in a society. In social democracy, work and the right to work are seen as a vital part of people’s life which helps them in the development of not only their professional but also personal and social life. In this theory the main factor of production is the labour as because of labour all other factors of production like raw materials, land, capital and technology are utilized. This in return brings about a boost in economic growth. This also means that it is due to the working conditions that we can determine how the society looks and how well is the economy doing. In today’s world social democrats are favouring the capitalistic market economy which goes hand in hand with a strong government. Human rights and environmental issues have become major goals of many social democratic parties instead of the old-style goal of making a socialist government. Generally, social democrats support a number of agendas that ensure their support for human rights. They strongly support the wide system of social security in order to protect people from poverty and save them from loss of income if they are ill or unemployed. This system is mostly followed in European countries.

Technology in Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Technology in Society - Essay Example Where once ‘robots’ simply meant ‘robotic arms exhibited in the science lab’, today they have evolved into full-on automatons. Where once cellphones were extremely huge, bulky and cumbersome, they can now fit anywhere and be carried anywhere one goes. Music players that were once the size of a small filing cabinet can now be easily held in one hand. Truly, our fascination for technology has allowed us to create great things, and this will no doubt continue to be the case for years to come. This fascination also shows in various areas of pop culture. Works such as Ghost in the Shell or the long-running Gundam franchise are both examples of the lengths to which we envision or predict that technology will evolve, while others such as the .hack franchise portray how technology has very much become hardwired into our lives. This particular paper aims to review two such works – the novel Halting State and the first Terminator movie – due to their rel evance especially in today’s day and age. ... While nowhere near the status of such smash hits such as the Harry Potter series, for example, this novel has still managed to gain more than a modest degree of success for itself – enough to be nominated for both the Hugo and Locus awards (Worlds Without End, 2008). The story begins on a relatively mundane note – a faux job offer email sent to Nigel MacDonald for a stint as a home-based programmer for Hayek Associates LLC. At the same time, within the MMORPG known as Avalon Four, a cybercrime has taken place. Specifically, a small band of orcs together with a dragon had been found to have stolen thousands of euros’ worth of prestige items from the game’s central bank. And while this could easily have been written off as a mere in-game offense, it is soon discovered to be much worse when Hayek stocks and cryptographic keys are found to have been compromised in the process. From then on, the story introduces us to three more central characters: Sue, a polic e officer (herald); Elaine, an investigator (mentor); and Jack Reed, a programmer who happens to be a hardcore gamer. While each of their story lines at first run parallel to each other, they eventually intertwine as these three characters team up to unravel a conspiracy. Eventually, Jack and Nigel are revealed to be one and the same – Nigel MacDonald being the pseudonymous identity. However, soon enough, an even more earth-shattering revelation is revealed – that the entire European network backbone has been hacked into by Chinese hackers. This is the climax at which all pretenses of things being a game are dropped, and also where Jack and Elaine begin to fall in love. Together, the couple make use of Spooks as a sock puppet in order to