Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Major regions of the brain and their functions on behavior Essay

The promontory is a complex structure that is carve up into specialized qualitys or arenas that perform specialized function. The importance of long suit and spirit parts division is not only in encephalon processing teaching and generating responses, but the specific impact on manner of an individual generated by each specialized part. In this regard, the question has one-third main regions cerebral cerebral mantle, limbic system and the brain stem (Charles, 2002). The brain stem is the most primitive part of the brain that is located at the joint where the spinal cord enters the brain (Charles, 2002).This part of the brain contains such(prenominal) sub-parts as reticular activity system, medulla and the Pons. The main function of this part of the brain is for autonomic functions deemed as necessary for survival such as health, food, shelter and security seeking behaviors. For instance, when a person falls ill, the brain stem triggers off the course of action to seek me dication or health care, thus such an individual shall move towards the hospital set forth than to any other direction of food or security.The cerebral cortex is brain region that is on outer part that covers the brain (Charles, 2002). By virtue of covering the brain, the cerebral cortex is considered as the largest part of the brain. The behavioral function of the cerebral cortex involves higher cognitive processes such as memory process that enhances language, thought and learning. Therefore, behaviors such as performance in academic work, ability to retain and remember, verbal fluency and speech increment are controlled and generated by the cerebral cortex.Limbic system (Charles, 2002) is the third region of the brain with structures such as hippocampus, thalamus, amygdale and hypothalamus. This part of the brain is prudent for stimulated related behaviors of individuals such as motivation, memory functions, and physiological functions. For instance, amygdale is responsible for behaviors such as anger, fear and aggression. The hippocampus sub-structure involves the functions of memory such as information coding and processing into short term and long term memories.Hypothalamus is responsible for emotional behaviors such as hunger, sexual feelings, thirsty and reproduction behaviors. The stunning process as these scenarios unfolds The process and action of hitting the chunk produces a cracking plump that travels through with(predicate) air to the ears as a sound sensory organ. The sound content is received and conveyed by ears sensory poise to the central nervous system (CNS). The central nervous system in return initiates nerve longing to send the message to the brain.In the brain the thalamus located within the limbic system received the message through sensory receptors found in peripheral nervous system and wherefore(prenominal) forwards the message to the cerebral cortex for synopsis and commentary and then generate feedback message to the sight sensory organs (Albert, 2002). After interpretation of the of the ball sound in the brain by the cerebral cortex, the message is generated back through the same avenue that to the thalamus that will send impulse to the sight sensory organ eye. The eyes muscles shall be involved in a reflex action to adjust and pay attention to the ball that has been hit.Therefore, ball movement is traced by the eye. However, since the eye does not have the skill to emergency the ball apart from observing it the sight sensory nervousness within the eyes send a message to the brain to germinate necessary mechanism to catch the ball (Albert, 2002). Once the message has been generated by the sight sensory nerves to the brain, the brain through thalamus receives the message through the sensory receptors found in peripheral nervous system and then forwards the message to the cerebral cortex for analysis and interpretation.After analysis and interpretation, the cerebral cortex sends back the message to thalamus which in turn stimulates the touch on organs through responsible neurotransmitters to prepare muscle action to catch the ball as it land. The timing of the ball is entirely an initiative and is hooklike on cognitive abilities of the individuals (Albert, 2002).Reference Albert, B A. (2002) Molecular Biology of the cellular phone New York, Garland. Charles, GM. (2002), Psychology An introduction New York, Prentice hall.

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