Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Dust Bowl Essay Example for Free

The Dust Bowl EssayThe dust roll was a period of severe dust storms that causes damage to prairie lands from 1930 to 1936, some areas until 1940. Whoever thought before this that dust could polish Americans and affect their lifes forever. This historical event will be a moment in time that will be in our memories forever because it is an event to learn from and never forget. The main states that were abnormal by the dust bowl were Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas , and New Mexico. Nebraska, Wyoming, S come inh Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, and some parts of Canada were also affected.These states were affected because there was a lot of farming and in this area and because of the warm climate they acquire real bad droughts. These dust storms were caused by severe drought and poor farming techniques such as no crop rotation. They dug to deep into the ground, which destroyed all of the roots and grass in the ground that holds the farming down. Having too much agriculture, pl anting, overgrazing, and harsh winters were too much for the land to handle. Farmers also did non use the mend methods for the environment, which caused erosion. For example cotton farmers cleared fields and left them for the winter months.Winds are the highest during this time, so the grasses that should have held the alter in place were not there. This created huge dust clouds because of the dry top skank being carried in the star In 1932, 14 dust storms were recorded in the plains. In 1933, there were 38 storms. In 1934, slightly 100 million acres of farm land had lost almost all of the top tarnish because of the wind. The dust storms caused dirt to get into houses no matter how hard the family tried to prevent it from happening crap also got into automobile engines and caused problems and even prevented them from operating.People wore masks to prevent the dust from getting into their lungs, but yet hospitals account hundreds of patients sick with dust pneumonia Often the se dust storms would come so suddenly that farmers would get trapped out in their fields and would suffocate The dust storms were so bad that people could not continue subsisting there any longer. Many families packed their belongings and left there homes. Victims of the dust bowl migrated to calcium and other places on the west coast. They tried to go wherever they could in search of jobs.Many of them did not find jobs because of the depression. Often families lived in tar-paper hacks with no floor or plumbing. By 1940, 2. 5 million people moved from the dust bowl states. Government programs were set up to help the farmers and their families Programs were developed for soil conservation, and in the altogether methods and techniques were taught. The government also gave the farmer money and seeds to help them start over. The farmers were told to plant trees and grass to anchor the soil so that the same problems would continue no longer.

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