Tuesday, August 13, 2019

3 paragraph assignment on Ancient Greece Research Paper

3 paragraph assignment on Ancient Greece - Research Paper Example Cleisthenes had these groups represented equally on their general assemblies were discussions were done for the welfare of their state. They safeguard each other against tyranny and monopoly of power. In Sparta, the reform of Lycargus was established. They also had reclassification and regrouping of people. Debts were cancelled and the land was divided equally among them. There was an established way of living where their children undergo specified developmental stages to make them warriors. They were considered as Spartan citizen at the age of 19 as soon as they have been awarded with shield, which is a great symbol for them. Women were also encouraged to work to make them able to bore strong children. The two forms of governments institutionalized greatly vary. Athens practiced democracy in all its sense, where they derive decisions for the state after discussions from every representative of the tribes. Spartans also had assemblies for their decision making but their way of living has been predetermined. They live and work for Sparta and nothing else. 2. Zeno who lived around 490 BC formulated certain paradoxes – an absurd or contradictory statement. His statements challenge scholars both from history until today, such as Plato, Aristotle and others. Various explanations surfaced to either prove or disprove the points of Zeno. Inclusions of explanations exploited mathematical reasons, physics, and other theories. One of his paradox included in the Paradox of Plurality titled The Argument from complete divisibility states that â€Å"†¦ whenever a body is by nature divisible through and through, whether by bisection, or generally by any method whatever, nothing impossible will have resulted if it has actually been divided†¦ though perhaps nobody in fact could so divide it†. This paradox touches the idea of a line or space that is composed of infinite number of points that can be divided into dimensionless parts. That if these

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