Monday, August 12, 2019

Positive Impact of Nursing Leadership Research Paper

Positive Impact of Nursing Leadership - Research Paper Example Recent studies had revealed the fact that, some of the leadership components had a greater and positive influence on the psychosocial working environment. This paper will analyze the article, Nursing Leadership Style and Psychosocial Work Environment written by Terry Malloy and Barbara Penprase. This article mainly focuses on the service industry, and a group of nurses are taken as sample group to conduct the research through questionnaires. Among the industrial sectors, the healthcare sector plays a vital role in saving the lives of the people. Next to the physicians, the nurses are considered to be the life savers, as they attend to the patients very keenly and they assist the doctors in proceeding with the proper treatment to the patients. Due to their extensive work, nurses are prone to mental stress, job repetition, boredom, etc., which have a negative impact in their performances. Hence various researches have been conducted to explore the ways, whereby the performance of the n urses can be enhanced, resulting in increased job satisfaction. One such research article would be, Nursing Leadership Style and Psychosocial Work Environment. ... Basically nursing process can be described as a modified version of scientific process. It is mainly utilized in the medical field to assess the needs of the patients and to formulate a course of action whereby the problems of the patients can be addressed and solved respectively. â€Å"Developed by Ida Jean Orlando in 1958, this method is used by nurses to balance out the usage of scientific evidence and personal interpretation when diagnosing and treating.† (â€Å"An In-Depth Look into the Nursing Process†, n. d). Thus, the nursing process includes five major steps namely assessing the problems of the patients, diagnosing the issues, planning the course of action to address the problem, implementing the solution effectively and evaluating the results. From the above sentence, it is obvious that the nursing process involves five major steps in attending to the problems of the patients. However in the article, it has been revealed that there is an effective correlation between the healthy working environment and the nursing process, which also impacts the well being of the patients and their health. Moreover, it is very much apparent from the article that the entire nursing process mainly depends on the various dimensions of the psychosocial environment. Generally, the process of nursing can be described as a cyclic that can come to an end at any of the five stages if the problem is solved. Above all, the nursing process not only focuses on attending the physical needs of the patients but also attend to their social and emotional needs considerably. Hence, the article very well highlights the positive relationship between the contingent reward leadership with that of the psychosocial work

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